Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Sticky Situation

Ok here is a little bit of a rant. As most of you know by now, I am in to classic games. My games come from various sources, Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Oogie Games, GameStop, Garage Sales, etc. And guess what? No matter where I go to buy used games they are plastered with stickers!

I can’t tell you how much I hate this. I realize that companies, flea market stands and garage sellers have to put prices on their merchandise but why do they have to plop a huge price tag and barcode right over the original game label?! When you get a new (to you) Atari game it is sort of nostalgic to see “Property of David M” written in magic marker on the back of it, because you probably did the same with your games when they were new. What is annoying is a huge sticker advertising “GAMES AT LOW LOW PRICES! HIGHEST $$$ FOR YOUR TRADE INS!” plastered over the original label of Yar’s Revenge or Pac Man. The worst company for this is GameStop. Have you ever tried to remove one of those GameStop stickers from the front of an Xbox case? Your better off just buying a new case, or living with the annoying sticker.

What’s even worse are those small time sellers who feel a need to write “$1.50” on the front of the game with a sharpie!!! At least with a sticker you stand a small chance of removing the blemish without completely destroying the cartridge.

So here is a piece of advice (more like a desperate plea) to sellers of old video game cartridges: DON’T WRITE ON THEM! DON’T PUT STICKERS OVER THE GRAPHICS ON THE CARTRIDGE! If you turn them over, you will notice there is a vast expanse of space on the back to plaster labels and stickers and price tags on without ruining the classic artwork on the front. Its also easier for those of us who don’t like this stickers to simply peal them off. Also think about using some of those easy-to-remove stickers so we can remove all your corporate branding without that annoying glue left behind.

Just a quick update: As many of you have noticed, my blog has had fewer rants and raves and more fun stuff on it lately. That’s because I have decided to change the direction of the blog. Due to my new found interest in classic gaming I have decided to write about them. There will occasionally be other subjects of interest to me so stay tuned to see what I come up with!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see the new gaming review section of this blog. I'm sure almost anyone who has ever held a gaming controller can agree that corporate stickies (and all the hassle they cause) really suck. Like me, many people not only play games to be entertained but its goes as far as collecting, When Gamestop is dead and gone, the legend of gaming wont (and most likely never will be), so it's a shame to see a defective game cartridge or case. By the way, I love the titles you use for your blogs.


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